ETC/IBA Objectives

Since general objectives are very difficult to achieve and since long periods of time are required to measure them properly, we have set the following specific operational objectives:

  1. Increasing household income
    • to place 30 heads of households on jobs where they have an opportunity for upward mobility and better pay; to provide orientation and follow-up support for those placed;
    • to begin research work on the ways of increasing the level of Hispanic economic activity in the City of Boston;
    • to conduct an intensive pilot project in consumer education and family budget for 25-50 families (if possible including families of those heads of households placed on jobs);
    • to finish the construction of a 200-unit 18 story elderly tower that includes a comprehensive health and social service unit and a Puerto Rican plaza;
    • to begin the construction of the 181-unit “Viviendas la Victoria: Phase I, to house families and community facilities
    • to continue planning and the construction work on a 100-unit (approximately) rehabilitated housing development for families;
    • to begin exploring the possibilities of immediate development of the planned 240-unit “Viviendas La Victoria” – Phase II (for families);

  2. Self-determination capacity
    • to assist 2000 clients to meet their most pressing needs through access service delivery
    • to deliver – through direct and referral service- comprehensive social services to those families involved in the pilot employment budgeting group and to those families involved in group activities;
    • to continue to allow and stimulate ETC staff members to develop educational skills by attending a college of their choice
    • to continue providing technical training to grass-roots Board members and other persons in the community in order to facilitate a greater understanding of the issues on which decisions are made in order to provide them with better tools to be used in the struggle to control their own community and future.

  3. Awareness development
    • to continue and carry through several group work activities with community residents around issues to be determined by the groups themselves;
    • to continue the publication of a monthly informational newsletter to South End Hispanic residents;

  4. Development of Hispanic institutions
    • to assist in paving the way for the availability of opportunities for Hispanic cultural and social expression including advocacy work in the educational planning activities for the Blackstone School;
    • to create a center for the delivery of services to Boston’s Spanish-speaking by rehabilitating the ETC headquarters building at 73 West Brookline Street; this, bringin together a number of Hispanic agencies with complementary services.

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